Wednesday, 15 February 2012

3DVA Project (Joe Animation) - Component 2

Front view Jump

Side view Jump

Perspective view Jump

These are the storyboarding for the jumping component

I find this component of this project rather hard to deal with. The walking up the box/stairs is similar to the walk cycle, just that the lifting of the leg and the body must be just nice. I find the jumping off the edge of the box/stairs a killer. 
There must be the weight there when standing, this will show that the character is not actually floating down. I've failed many times at this jumping part, this is the 2nd and the last try of my jumping animation.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

3DVA Project (Joe Animation) - Component 1

This are the key poses for a step, in reference from the picture of a walk cycle

Front View Walk Cycle

Side View Walk Cycle

Perspective View Walk Cycle

This component of this project is the basic walking animation. I found a trick to do this walking animation, it's quite simple after you know this trick. Creating 1 prefect walk cycle and just duplicating the frames is just simply easy. Which means the first walk cycle must be nice so that the rest of the walk would be similar. Making the walking animation same throughout.

3DVA Topic 5 Animation References

The above links are the references that I've looked at while making the walk cycle and the jump for the assignment.

My first try of walk cycle for the first component of the assignment

This was the 1st try of my jumping animation, however it was too short so I had to add in more frames and my jumping animation for the actual project was affected

This is the weight shifting for the Joe Rig

This exercise of showing the weight shift on the Joe right was easier to do after animation the spiderman and the bigdog. I think this video shows the weight shift of the model more than the Spiderman and the bigdog animation.

3DVA Topic 5 Animation (Spiderman & Bigdog)

Spiderman Weights Shift Exercise!

I think that this spiderman weight shift exercise was easy to understand and do, I also think that the weight shift of my animation is around there, it looks kind of real in a way.

Bigdog Weight Shift Exercise!

If engineered or programmed badly, BigDog would fall over. Watch the full video again, and describe how BigDog’s legs move while walking– ie. what is the sequence of leg movements for one complete step? Use the terms BL, BR, FL, and FR for the back-left, back-right, front-left and front-right legs.

  • FR-BL -> FL-BR (Repeat)

Explain how this sequence of movements manages to balance BigDog’s body weight.

  • This is to allow the Bigdog to maintain the center of gravity, to prevent it from falling. When the FR and the BL leg is lifted, the FL and the BR is supporting the Bigdog as well as maintaining the center of gravity.

Look at Draw a storyboard of BigDog stabilising itself after being kicked.

Here's the playblast of my Bigdog animation:

1st try:

2nd try:

This exercise was harder than expected. I think with such little joints to animate, the animation would be easier. However I was wrong, it was not as easy to give that illusion of weigh shifting. Therefore from the 1st and the 2nd try, I tried to do make the weight shift more obvious. I think the 2nd try was better compared to the 1st try.