First model of my cow (Front, Side, Back and Overall presentation view)
Overall Presentation View
Corrected model (After feedback from Lecturer)
Overall View
Cow head Process:
I created a cube with subdivisions.
After creating subdivisions for my cube, I applied the smooth tool on the cube.
Change to the side view, I selected my object and chose Vertex mode to adjust it to form a nose like shape.
Now, I'm using the extrude tool to extrude the face out from the nose by selecting the faces.
After the extruding and adjusting the vertex to the shape of a cow this is how the head portion looks like.
Adjusting the vertex for the eye portion of the cow.
After all the adjustments that I've done. I selected the faces for the eye area.
Now I deleted the faces which made a hole in the head. I also adjusted the vertex around the eye to make it into a round shape. (More like an actual eye)
I did the same thing I did but now I extruded the edges of the eyes to form this shape. The last layer was extruded into the skull area of the cow head.
To make the ears of the cow, I extruded the faces and adjusted the vertex to make it look like an ear for the cow.
This part was similar to the eye part. Selecting the faces and deleting them.
This part was also similar to the eye part, where I adjusted the vertex of the holes to make it round.
Now, I went to the under side of the head and extruded downwards for the mouth portion. I also adjusted the vertex while I was extruding so that the mouth area would look more decent. More realistic.
As mentioned above, I selected the edges to make the mouth look like its round but not squarish.
Now that everything is done, I selected the faces of the cow. Half of it and deleted them off. This is to allow me to mirror the other half out.
After applying the mirror geometry tool, this is how the head of the cow looks like.
I did apply the fill hole tool to fill up holes for the nose area and also the eye area.
Cow Body Process:
I created a cube
I added subdivisions to the cube and extruded the hands and the legs
After extruding the hands and the legs, I used the insert edge tool to draw a center line
Now I selected half of the faces and deleted them
Later on, I used the smooth tool and adjusted the vertex of the body using the scale and the move tool
Now I'm adjusting the vertex of the body to make the tummy of the cow and the butt of the cow
Now I created a cube and scaled it
Selecting the faces of the side for extruding
This is to make the fingers for the cow
Now you can see that all the fingers are being extruded
Extruding one side of the face and used the rotate tool to rotate the face so that I'm able to extrude the thumb
Rotating and scaling so that the faces that are being extruded are getting smaller
Now that the hand is done, I'm extruding the face to allow the hand feels like it is wearing a glove
This is after I extruded the face and scaled the face to match with the arm
Finally applying the smooth tool to the hand
By applying the mirror geometry on the body and edited the hands and the feet, I combined the cow head with the body and this is how it looks like.
This version is the 2nd version, where I corrected my body portion to give a the cow a cuter feel.
This exercise made me refresh my modeling skills after 2 weeks of break. Which is a good start for me. This allows me to practice modeling as well as to get familiar with Maya again. Overall the exercise was pretty simple as the instructions given were very clear and precise. However the body modeling was the harder part as there really isn't a video or a flash powerpoint slide for us to model the body out. Therefore, it allows us to apply our own skills in modeling the cow body.
In conclusion, the exercise was well balanced in terms of guiding us through the first part and allowing us to model the second part. Allowing us to practice modeling with our own skills.
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