Sunday, 3 July 2011

Week 10 Lab 1, 2

Bouncing ball:

Exercise 1:
Bowling ball:

At the start, I created the image of the bowling ball, after on I drew another ball which was sightly below the original position in fame 1.

At fame 3 the distance between the ball in fame 2 and fame 3 will be quite huge because this is to show that the ball gained speed while falling.

Later on, I drew the bounce frames to show the ball bounced a bit after hitting the ground.

At the last few frames which was the rolling of the ball. I drew the frames of the ball at end closer and closer to one another, to show the ball coming to a stop slowly.


At frame 1, the human was boarding the spaceship. Soon later the ship had it's ladder out for the human to enter.

I drew the extension of the ladders bit by bit each frame so that when I animate it, it looks like the spaceship is showing how the ladder came out. Not just appearing at the next frame.

Soon later I drew the take off with the "smoke" effects and also before it reaches the moon, the distance of the moon and the spaceship were considered.

As the spaceship approaches the moon, the moon becomes bigger.

Exercise 2:

What is ease-in ease-out in reference to animation?
Ease in starts slow motion and ends it with a faster speed when is near the end of it’s motion. Ease out starts the fast motion and then slow down as it comes to the end of it’s motion.

What does frames-per-second mean?
It means the number of frames(pictures) that is shown per-second.
If the FPS is 60, it means 60pictures were shown during the process.
In 1min, there will be 60x60 = 360frames shown!


All this exercise made me understand how animation is all about, and I realised that creating animation maybe boring but after you finished it. The hardwork and the effort you putted in while doing your work is relieved.

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