Sunday, 17 July 2011

Week 11 Lab 1, Lab 2

Bouncing ball from Maya

Following the instructions from Maya help online is really easy and I can easily finish doing this task really fast. I find that posting the process of this video is not really appropriate as the online document already have the steps clearly shown there. Overall, I find this exercise really interesting as I get to animate in Maya.

Before applying squash and stretch to the ball.

After applying squash and stretch to the ball!


Firstly, I created a sphere and later on group it up. Translate and rotate groups to control the movement of the ball.

Secondly, I set the keyframes for the ball to bounce. (Animating it)

Thirdly, I edited the animation graph to give the ball a more natural bounce.

Forth, I gave the ball a texture to show the rotation done on the ball.

Lastly, I added the squash and stretch effect on the ball. I set the keyframes for the ball to stretch and squash when the ball is bouncing off the surface, I gave a stretch effect and the squash effect when the ball hits the ground.

Beach ball

I find this exercise quite easy to do, as instructions were that were given are clear and straight forward. I had problems with setting the squash and stretch effect for the keyframes but I recalled about some tutorials I did in class and I completed my animation. Even though the video isn't really that realistic, but It is already the best that I could do!

1) Why is squash and stretch so useful in animation?
This technique helps enhance the animation. It makes an object or a character more realistic. So that we don't find it boring to watch the animation.
Squash and stretch creates the illusion that the character/object which is animated a "lively" look.

2) Think of a situation in which extreme squash and stretch could be applied to a character - try to be original.

A basketball player that is attempting a slam-dunk action. He runs at a constant speed and before he could jump, he bends down real low to allow him to jump at a higher height. After releasing his energy from his legs, he lunges himself high up stretching his body and hands as far as possible so that he could perform the slam-dunk action.

3) Think of an animation example where squash and stretch would NOT be appropriate
A bowling ball rolling down the bowling alley. The object is hard and when it is being thrown down the alley, the ball doesn't really bounces off the alley as the ball is heavy and therefore no squash and stretch is added to the ball.

4) If squash and stretch doesn't really happen so obviously in real life, why do you think is it so effective in animation?
In animations, the effect of squash and stretch is to give the audience an "illusion of life". So that the characters stimulates real life, and which it makes the animation lively.

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