Sunday, 17 July 2011

Week 10 Lab 1, 2

This video shows anticipation, when Shiyi is squatting, it shows that he is ready for a jump.
This video shows the slow out slow in principle. There is a lot of frames at the start and the end, in the middle of the video it's just running so the frames will be lesser as it is just the (running) frames.
This video shows the principle appeal, after the chicken dance, Shiyi shows a funny face.
This video shows the principle of the squash and stretch of the ball, even though we can't see it, but the exercise we did recently shows us that when a ball hits the ground, it will be squashed and when it bounces back up, it will stretch.
This video shows the principle exaggeration where Shiyi tried to fake Yuyang that he's going to throw the ball at him.


Squash and stretch from 0.02 - 0.06
Where Blu is putting the glasses on for the girl and when the girl tickles Blu. It shows a squash and stretch effect on Blu's body. Blu is the blue bird.

Appeal 0.42 - 0.43
The bird looks appealing to watch as the background is glowing and it shows how beautiful that bird is.

Follow through 0.12 - 0.15
When Blu is riding on the toy car, he follows the action and the position of where the car is facing. When the car is turning right, his head and his body folllows the flow by moving it to the right.

Anticipation 0.49 - 1.01
When the disco ball is let down into the screen, the audience is going to know that a music is going to play soon.

Slow in Slow out 1.11 - 1.12
When both of the bird is falling, they fall into the box and after that popping their heads out.

Staging 1.37-1.38
It shows the ass of the female and soon later they "smashed" into it.
Staging 2.11
The "cutting machine". Not sure what is the real name of that machine

Secondary Action 0.34
When the monkey dance, his hands and his legs are moving at the same time.

Exaggeration 1.57 - 1.58
When the bird scares the human, he is in a very big shock.

Arcs 0.17 - 0.18
The friendship punch they did had a natural feel.

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